The greatest miracle that God can do today is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world and make him holy, then put him back into that unholy world and keep him holy in it.” 
― Leonard Ravenhill


Repent is a dangerous message!
Joseph Parker said, more than a century ago, “The man whose little sermon is ‘repent’ sets himself against his age, and will for the time being be battered mercilessly by the age whose moral tone he challenges. There is but one end for such a man — ‘off with his head!’ You had better not try to preach repentance until you have pledged your head to heaven.”

The Church must first repent
A revival of religion is indispensable to avert the judgements of God from the church…The fact is, Christians are more to blame for not being revived than sinners are for not being converted. And if Christians are not awakened, they may know assuredly that God will visit them with His judgements. How often God visited the Jewish church with judgements because they would not repent and be revived at the call of His prophets.

Charles Finney, quoted A. Wallis, In the Day of Thy Power

The Fire

False fire
“There are different kinds of fire; there is false fire. No one knows this better than we do, but we are not such fools as to refuse good bank notes because there are false ones in circulation; and although we see here and there manifestations of what appears to us to be nothing more than mere earthly fire, we none the less prize and value, and seek for the genuine fire which comes from the altar of the Lord.”

General William Booth